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D. Stoyanov, Z. Taylor, B. Kainz, G. Maicas, R.R. Beichel et al. Image Analysis for Moving Organ, Breast, and Thoracic Images, ISBN 978-3-030-00946-5, September 2018. |
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R.R. Beichel, K. Farahani, C. Jacobs, S. Kabus, A.P. Kiraly, J.-M. Kuhnigk, J.R. McClelland, K. Mori, J. Petersen, S. Rit. The Sixth International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, ISBN: 978-1-5370-3858-2, October 2016. |
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R.R. Beichel, M. de Bruijne, S. Kabus, A.P. Kiraly, T. Kitasaka, J.-M. Kuhnigk, J.R. McClelland, E. van Rikxoort, S. Rit. The Fifth International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, ISBN: 978-1-4921-8697-7, September 2013. |
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R. Beichel, A. Kiraly, J-M. Kuhnigk, J. McClelland, K. Mori, E. van Rikxoort, S. Rit, M. de Bruijne, B. van Ginneken , and S. Kabus. The Fourth International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, ISBN: 978- 1-4662-0016-6, September 2011. |
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R. Beichel and M. Sonka. Computer Vision Approaches to Medical Image Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 4241, Springer, Berlin, May 2006. |
B.J. Smith, J.M. Buatti, C. Bauer, E.J. Ulrich, P. Ahmadvand, M.M. Budzevich, R.J. Gillies, D. Goldgof, M. Grkovski, G. Hamarneh, P.E. Kinahan, J.P. Muzi, M. Muzi, C.M. Laymon, J.M. Mountz, S. Nehmeh, M.J. Oborski, B. Zhao, J.J. Sunderland, R. R. Beichel. Multisite Technical and Clinical Performance Evaluation of Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers from 3D FDG PET Segmentations of Head and Neck Cancer Images. Tomography, 6(2), pp. 65–76, Jun 2020.
A.E. Ghattas, R.R. Beichel, B.J. Smith. A unified framework for simultaneous assessment of accuracy, between-, and within-reader variability of image segmentations.Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 0962280220920894, May 2020.
A. Fedorov, R. Beichel, J. Kalpathy-Cramer, D. Clunie, M. Onken, J. Riesmeier, C. Herz, C. Bauer, A. Beers, J.-C. Fillion-Robin, A. Lasso, C. Pinter, S. Pieper, M. Nolden, K. Maier-Hein, M. D. Herrmann, J. Saltz, F. Prior, F. Fennessy, J. Buatti, R. Kikinis. Quantitative Imaging Informatics for Cancer Research. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics, vol. 4, pp. 444-453, May 2020.
X. Xiong, T.J. Linhardt, W. Liu, B.J. Smith, W. Sun, C. Bauer, J.J. Sunderland, M.M. Graham, J.M. Buatti, R.R. Beichel. A 3D deep convolutional neural network approach for the automated measurement of cerebellum tracer uptake in FDG PET-CT scans. Med Phys, 47(3), pp. 1058-1066, Mar 2020.
R.W. Glenny, M. Krueger, C. Bauer, R.R. Beichel. The fractal geometry of bronchial trees differs by strain in mice. Journal of Applied Physiology, 128(2), pp. 362-367, Feb. 2020.
C. Bauer, M.A. Krueger, W.J.E. Lamm, R.W. Glenny, R.R. Beichel. lapdMouse: associating lung anatomy with local particle deposition in mice. Journal of Applied Physiology, 128(2), pp. 309-323, Feb. 2020.
R.R. Beichel, E.J. Ulrich, B.J. Smith, C. Bauer, B. Brown, T. Casavant, J.J. Sunderland, M.M. Graham, J.M. Buatti. FDG PET based prediction of response in head and neck cancer treatment: Assessment of new quantitative imaging features. PloS one 14 (4), e0215465, 2019.
M.C. Rendleman, J.M. Buatti, T.A. Braun, B.J. Smith, C. Nwakama, R.R. Beichel, B. Brown, T. L. Casavant. Machine learning with the TCGA‐HNSC dataset: improving usability by addressing inconsistency, sparsity, and high‐dimensionality. BMC bioinformatics 20 (1), 339, 2019.
E.J. Ulrich, Y. Menda, L.L.B. Ponto, C.M. Anderson, B.J. Smith, J.J. Sunderland, M.M. Graham, J.M. Buatti, M.M. Graham, J.M. Buatti, R.R. Beichel. “FLT PET Radiomics for Response Prediction to Chemoradiation Therapy in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Cancer”. Tomography 5(1), pp. 161‐169, March 2019.
C. Bauer, M. Eberlein, R. R. Beichel, "Pulmonary lobe separation in expiration chest CT scans based on subject-specific priors derived from inspiration scans," J. Med. Imag. 5(1), 014003 (2018).
H. Taher, C. Bauer, E. Abston, D.W. Kaczka, S.P. Bhatt, J. Zabner, R.G. Brower, R.R. Beichel, M. Eberlein. Chest wall strapping increases expiratory airflow and detectable airway segments in computer tomographic scans of normal and obstructed lungs. J Appl Physiol. 2018 Jan 4.
B.J. Smith and R.R. Beichel. "A Bayesian framework for performance assessment and comparison of imaging biomarker quantification methods," Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2017, DOI: 10.1177/0962280217741334.
E.J. Ulrich, J.J. Sunderland, B.J. Smith, I. Mohiuddin, J. Parkhurst, K.A. Plichta, J.M. Buatti, and R.R. Beichel. "Automated model‐based quantitative analysis of phantoms with spherical inserts in FDG PET scans," Med Phys, vol 45, no 1, pp. 258-276 , Jan 2017.
E. Abston, A. Comellas, R.M. Reed, V. Kim, R.A. Wise, R. Brower, S. Fortis, R. Beichel, S. Bhatt, J. Zabner, J. Newell, E. A. Hoffman, and M. Eberlein. "Higher BMI is associated with higher expiratory airflow normalised for lung volume (FEF25–75/FVC) in COPD," BMJ open respiratory research 4 (1), e000231, 2017.
Y. Kim, K.A. Patwardhan, R.R. Beichel, B.J. Smith, C. Mart, K.A. Plichta, T. Chang, M. Sonka, M. M. Graham, V. Magnotta, T. Casavant, J. Xia, and J.M. Buatti. "Development of a Radiobiological Evaluation Tool to Assess the Expected Clinical Impacts of Contouring Accuracy between Manual and Semi-Automated Segmentation Algorithms," Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 3409-3412, Sep. 2017.
R.R. Beichel, B.J. Smith, C. Bauer, E.J. Ulrich, P. Ahmadvand, M.M. Budzevich, R.J. Gillies, D. Goldgof, M. Grkovski, G. Hamarneh, Q. Huang, P.E. Kinahan, C.M. Laymon, J.M. Mountz, J.P. Muzi, M. Muzi, S. Nehmeh, M.J. Oborski, Y. Tan, B. Zhao, J.J. Sunderland, and J.M. Buatti, “Multi-site Quality and Variability Analysis of 3D FDG PET Segmentations based on Phantom and Clinical Image Data,” Med Phys, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 479-496, 2017.
G. Gill and R. R. Beichel, “An approach for reducing the error rate in automated lung segmentation,” Comput. Biol. Med., vol. 76, pp. 143–153, Sep 2016.
W. Bou-Zeid, C. Bauer, Y. Kim, R.R. Beichel, W. Sun, T. Waldron, J. Xia, “Clinical validation of a real-time applicator position monitoring system for gynecologic intracavitary brachytherapy,” Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, vol. 2, no. 4, p. 045008, IOP Publishing, July 2016.
R. R. Beichel, M. Van Tol, E. J. Ulrich, C. Bauer, T. Chang, K. A. Plichta, B. J. Smith, J. J. Sunderland, M. M. Graham, M. Sonka, and J. M. Buatti, “Semiautomated segmentation of head and neck cancers in 18F-FDG PET scans: A just-enough-interaction approach,” Med Phys, vol. 43, no. 6, p. 2948, Jun 2016.
A. Fedorov, D. Clunie, E. Ulrich, C. Bauer, A. Wahle, B. Brown, M. Onken, J. Riesmeier, S. Pieper, R. Kikinis, J. Buatti, and R. R. Beichel, “DICOM for quantitative imaging biomarker development: a standards based approach to sharing clinical data and structured PET/CT analysis results in head and neck cancer research,” PeerJ, vol. 4, p. e2057, 2016.
C. Bauer, M. Eberlein, and R. R. Beichel, “Airway tree reconstruction in expiration chest CT scans facilitated by information transfer from corresponding inspiration scans,” Med Phys, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 1312–1323, Mar 2016.
G. Gill and R. R. Beichel, “Lung Segmentation in 4D CT Volumes Based on Robust Active Shape Model Matching,” Int J Biomed Imaging, vol. 2015, p. 125648, 2015.
R. Beichel, C. Bauer, A. Bornik, E. Sorantin, H. Bischof, “Segmentation of Diseased Livers: A 3D Refinement Approach”, Handbook of Biomedical Imaging, pp. 403-412, ISBN: 978-0-387-09749-7, 2015.
C. Bauer, M. Eberlein, and R. R. Beichel, “Graph-Based Airway Tree Reconstruction From Chest CT Scans: Evaluation of Different Features on Five Cohorts,” IEEE Trans Med Imaging, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1063–1076, May 2015.
G. Gill, M. Toews, and R. R. Beichel, “Robust Initialization of Active Shape Models for Lung Segmentation in CT Scans: A Feature-Based Atlas Approach,” Int J Biomed Imaging, vol. 2014, p. 479154, 2014.
G. Gill and R.R. Beichel, “Segmentation of lungs with interstitial lung disease in CT scans: a TV-L1 based texture analysis approach,” Advances in Visual Computing: 10th International Symposium, ISVC 2014, Proceedings, Part I, 511-520, December 2014.
G. Gill, C. Bauer, and R. R. Beichel, “A method for avoiding overlap of left and right lungs in shape model guided segmentation of lungs in CT volumes,” Med Phys, vol. 41, no. 10, p. 101908, Oct 2014.
C. Bauer, M. A. Krueger, W. J. Lamm, B. J. Smith, R. W. Glenny, and R. R. Beichel, “Airway tree segmentation in serial block-face cryomicrotome images of rat lungs,” IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 119–130, Jan 2014.
R. J. Adam, A. S. Michalski, C. Bauer, M. H. Abou Alaiwa, T. J. Gross, M. S. Awadalla, D. C. Bouzek, N. D. Gansemer, P. J. Taft, M. J. Hoegger, A. Diwakar, M. Ochs, J. M. Reinhardt, E. A. Hoffman, R. R. Beichel, D. K. Meyerholz, and D. A. Stoltz, “Air trapping and airflow obstruction in newborn cystic fibrosis piglets,” Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., vol. 188, no. 12, pp. 1434–1441, Dec 2013.
R. W. Glenny, C. Bauer, J. Hofmanninger, W. J. Lamm, M. A. Krueger, and R. R. Beichel, “Heterogeneity and matching of ventilation and perfusion within anatomical lung units in rats,” Respir Physiol Neurobiol, vol. 189, no. 3, pp. 594–606, Dec 2013.
G. Gill, M. Toews, and R. Beichel. An Automated Initialization System for Robust Model-Based Segmentation of Lungs in CT Data. Fifth International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, pages 111-122, September 2013.
S. Sun, M. Sonka, and R.R. Beichel. Graph-Based IVUS Segmentation With Efficient Computer-Aided Refinement. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 32(8):1536-1549, August 2013.
S. Sun, M. Sonka, and R.R. Beichel. Graph-based 4D lung segmentation in CT images with expert-guided computer-aided refinement. IEEE 10th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pages 1312-1315, April 2013.
H. Dou, C. Bauer, C. Wyman, and R.R. Beichel. Efficient rendering of anatomical tree structures using geometry proxy. IEEE 10th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pages 206-209, April 2013.
S. Sun, M. Sonka, and R.R. Beichel. Lung segmentation refinement based on optimal surface finding utilizing a hybrid desktop/virtual reality user interface. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 37(1):15-27, January 2013.
C. Bauer, R. Adam, D. A. Stoltz, and R. R. Beichel. Computer-aided Analysis of Airway Trees in Micro-CT Scans of Ex-vivo Porcine Lung Tissue. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 36(8):601-609, December 2012.
P. Lo, B. van Ginneken, J. M. Reinhardt, T. Yavarna, P. A. de Jong, B. Irving, C. Fetita, M. Ortner, R. Pinho, J. Sijbers, M. Feuerstein, A. Fabijanska, C. Bauer, R. Beichel, C. S. Mendoza, S. Zayed, R. Wiemker, J. Lee, A. P. Reeves, S. Born, O. Weinheimer, E. M. van Rikxoort, J. Tschirren, K. Mori, B. Odry, D. P. Naidich, I. Hartmann, E. A. Hoffman, M. Prokop, J. H. Pedersen, and M. de Bruijne. Extraction of Airways from CT (EXACT’09). IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 31(11):2093-2107, November 2012.
T. Shepherd, M. Teraes, R. R. Beichel, R. Boellaard, M. Bruynooghe, V. Dicken, M. J. Gooding, P. J, Julyan, J. A. Lee, S. Lefevre, M. Mix, V. Naranjo, X. Wu, H. Zaidi, Z. Zeng, and H. Minn. Comparative Study with New Accuracy Metrics for Target Volume Contouring in PET Image Guided Radiation Therapy. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 31(11):2006-2024, November 2012.
A. Fedorov, R. Beichel, J. Kalpathy-Cramer, J. Finet, J.-C. Fillion-Robin, S. Pujol, C. Bauer, D. Jennings, F. Fennessy, M. Sonka, J. Buatti, S. Aylward, J. V. Miller, S. Pieper, and R. Kikinis. 3D Slicer as an Image Computing Platform for the Quantitative Imaging Network. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 30(9):1323-1341, November 2012.
R. Beichel and Y. Wang. Computer-Aided Lymph Node Segmentation in Volumetric CT Data. Medical Physics, 39(9): 5419-5428, September 2012.
C. Bauer, S. Sun, W. Sun, J. Otis, A. Wallace, B. J. Smith, J. J. Sunderland, M. M. Graham, M. Sonka, J. M. Buatti, and R. R. Beichel. Automated Measurement of Uptake in Cerebellum, Liver, and Aortic Arch in Full-body FDG PET/CT Scans. Medical Physics, 39(6), 3112-3123, June 2012.
R. Beichel, A. Bornik, C. Bauer, and E Sorantin. Liver Segmentation in Contrast Enhanced CT Data Using Graph Cuts and Interactive 3D Segmentation Refinement Methods. Medical Physics, 39(3):1361-1373, March 2012.
S. Sun, C. Bauer, and R. Beichel. Automated 3D Segmentation of Lungs with Lung Cancer in CT Data Using a Novel Robust Active Shape Model Approach. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 31(2): 449–460, February 2012.
C. Bauer, S. Sun, and R. Beichel. Avoiding Mesh Folding in 3D Optimal Surface Segmentation. In Proc. of Advances in Visual Computing, LNCS Volume 6938, pages 214-223, September 2011.
S. Sun, C. Bauer, and R. Beichel. Robust Active Shape Model Based Lung Segmentation in CT Scans, In Proc. of the Fourth International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, pages 213-223, September 2011.
Y. Wang and R. Beichel. Graph-Based Segmentation of Lymph Nodes in CT Data, In Proc. of Advances in Visual Computing, LNCS Volume 6454, 312-321, November 2010.
S. Sun, G. McLennan, E. A. Hoffman, and R. Beichel. Model-Based Segmentation of Pathological Lungs in Volumetric CT Data, In Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, pages 31-40, September 2010.
C. Bauer, T. Pock, E. Sorantin, H. Bischof, and R. Beichel. Segmentation of interwoven 3D tubular tree structures utilizing shape priors and graph cuts, Medical Image Analysis, 14(2):172-184, April 2010.
M. F. McNitt-Gray, L. M. Bidaut, S. G. Armato III, C. R. Meyer, M. A. Gavrielides, C. Fenimore, G. McLennan, N. Petrick, B. Zhao, A. P. Reeves, R. Beichel, H.-J. Kim, and L. Kinnard. CT assessment of response to therapy: Tumor volume change measurement, truth data and error. Translational Oncolocgy, 2(4):216-222, December 2009.
T.Heimann, B. van Ginneken, M. Styner, Y. Arzhaeva, V. Aurich, C. Bauer, A. Beck, C. Becker, R. Beichel, G. Bekes, F. Bello, G. Binnig, H. Bischof, A. Bornik, P. M. M. Cashman, Y. Chi, A. Cordova, B. M. Dawant, M. Fidrich, J. Furst, D. Furukawa, L. Grenacher, J. Hornegger, D. Kainmueller, R. I. Kitney, H. Kobatake, H. Lamecker, T. Lange, J. Lee, B. Lennon, R. Li, S. Li, H.-P. Meinzer, G. Nemeth, D. S. Raicu, A.-M. Rau, E. van Rikxoort, M. Rousson, L. Rusko, K. A. Saddi, G. Schmidt, D. Seghers, A. Shimizu, P. Slagmolen, E. Sorantin, G. Soza, R. Susomboon, J. M. Waite, A. Wimmer, I. Wolf. Comparison and evaluation of methods for liver segmentation from CT datasets. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 28(8):1251-1265, August 2009.
C. Bauer, H. Bischof, R. Beichel. Segmentation of airways based on gradient vector flow. In Proc. of the Second International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, pages 191-201, September 2009.
C. Bauer, T. Pock, H. Bischof, and R. Beichel. Airway tree reconstruction based on tube detection. In Proc. of the Second International Workshop on Pulmonary Image, pages 203-213, September 2009.
R. Beichel, S. Schlosser, P. Elbischger, S. Sun, and G. McLennan. Towards automated detection of abnormalities in lung segmentations. In Proc. of the Second International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, pages 27-36, September 2009.
S. Schlosser and R. Beichel. Fast shape retrieval based on shape contexts. In Proc. of the 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), Salzburg, Austria, pages 293-298, September 2009.
E. Sorantin, G. Werkgartner, R. Beichel, A. Bornik, B. Reitinger, N. Popovic, and M. Sonka. Image Processing in Radiology, Current Applications, chapter Virtual Liver Surgery Planning. Medical Radiology. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. ISBN: 978-3-540-25915-2.
R. Beichel, C. Bauer, A. Bornik, E. Sorantin, and H. Bischof. Liver segmentation in CT data: A segmentation refinement approach. In 3D Segmentation in The Clinic: A Grand Challenge, T. Heimann, M. Styner, and B. van Ginneken, Eds., pages 235–245, October 2007, ISBN 978 0 643 09523 6.
A. Bornik, C. Bauer, and R. Beichel. Time-efficient interactive 3D segmentation refinement: A case study. In Interaction in medical image analysis and visualization, Ö. Smedby, E. Bengtsson, and A. Persson, Eds., pages 57-64, November 2007, ISBN 978 0 643 09521 2.
T. Pock, M. Urschler, C. Zach, R. Beichel, and H. Bischof. A Duality Based Algorithm for TV-L1-Optical-Flow Image Registration. In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2007 (MICCAI’07), LNCS 4792, pages 511-518, October 2007.
B. Reitinger, A. Bornik, R. Beichel, D. Schmalstieg. Liver Surgery Planning Using Virtual Reality. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 26(6):36-47, November-December 2006.
A. Bornik, R. Beichel, and D. Schmalstieg. Interactive editing of segmented volumetric datasets in a hybrid 2D/3D virtual environment. In VRST'06: Proceedings of the ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology, pages 197-206, New York, NY, USA, November 2006. ACM Press.
Ph. Fürnstahl, B. Reitinger, R. Beichel, and D. Schmalstieg. Global Mesh Partitioning for Surgical Planning. In Proceedings of the Third Central European Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference, pages 109-117. Pannonian University Press, November 2006.
A. Bornik, R. Beichel, E. Kruijff, B. Reitinger, and D. Schmalstieg. A hybrid user interface for manipulation of volumetric medical data. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2006 (3DUI 2006), pages 29-36, March 2006.
B. Reitinger, D. Schmalstieg, A. Bornik, and R. Beichel. Spatial analysis tools for medical virtual reality. In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interface 2006 (3DUI 2006), pages 37-44, March 2006.
D. Kalkofen, B. Reitinger, A. Bornik, P. Risholm, R. Beichel, D. Schmalstieg, and E. Samset. Liver surgery planning using virtual reality: Integrated medical workflow for augmented reality applications. In International Workshop on Augmented Reality environments for Medical Imaging and Computer-aided Surgery (AMI-ARCS), Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2006.
R. Beichel, H. Bischof, F. Leberl, and M. Sonka. Robust active appearance models and their application to medical image analysis. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., 24(9):1151-1169, September 2005.
M. Sonka, R. Beichel, A. Bornik, B. Reitinger, E. Sorantin, and G. Werkgartner. Computer-aided liver surgery planning. In S. Armato and M. Brown, editors, Multidimensional Image Processing, Analysis, and Display, pages 227-236. Radiological Society of North America, December 2005.
R. Beichel, H. Bischof, F. Leberl, and M. Sonka. Robust active appearance model matching. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS, vol. 3565, Proceedings of Information Processing in Medical Imaging, IPMI 2005, pages 114-125. Springer, July 2005.
B. Reitinger, P. Werlberger, A. Bornik, R. Beichel, and D. Schmalstieg. Spatial measurements for medical augmented reality. In Proc. of the IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2005 (ISMAR’05), pages 208-209, October 2005.
T. Pock, R. Beichel, and H. Bischof. A novel robust tube detection filter for 3D centerline extraction. In 14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, pages 481-490, Joensuu, Finland, June 2005.
T. Pock, C. Janko, R. Beichel, and H. Bischof. Multiscale medialness for robust segmentation of 3D tubular structures. In 10th Computer Vision Winter Workshop, pages 93-102, Zell an der Pram, Upper Austria, February 2005.
B. Reitinger, A. Bornik, and R. Beichel. Constructing smooth non-manifold meshes of multilabeled volumetric datasets. In Journal of WSCG 2005, pages 227-234. UNION Agency - Science Press, Plzen, Czech Republic, January 2005.
A. Bornik, B. Reitinger, and R. Beichel. Reconstruction and representation of tubular structures using simplex meshes. In WSCG Short Communication Papers Proceedings, pages 61-64. UNION Agency - Science Press, Plzen, Czech Republic, January 2005.
R. Beichel, H. Bischof, G. Langs, and M. Sonka. A robust matching algorithm for active appearance models. In Bildverarbeitung fuer die Medizin 2005. Springer, March 2005.
B. Reitinger, A. Bornik, and R. Beichel. Consistent mesh generation for non-binary medical datasets. In Bildverarbeitung fuer die Medizin 2005. Springer, March 2005.
A. Bornik, B. Reitinger, and R. Beichel. Simplex-mesh based surface reconstruction and representation of tubular structures. In Bildverarbeitung fuer die Medizin 2005. Springer, March 2005.
G. Werkgartner, M. Lemmerer, H. Hauser, E. Sorantin, R. Beichel, B. Reitinger, A. Bornik, F. Leberl, and H. J. Mischinger. Augmented-reality-based liver-surgical planning system. European Surgery, 36(5):270-274, November 2004.
B. Reitinger, Ch. Zach, A. Bornik, and R. Beichel. User-centric transfer function specification in augmented reality. Journal of WSCG 2004, pages 355-362, February 2004. ISSN 1213-6972.
B. Reitinger, A. Bornik, R. Beichel, G. Werkgartner, and E. Sorantin. Tools for augmented reality based liver resection planning. In Medical Imaging 2004, Proceedings of SPIE, pages 88-99, San Diego, February 2004.
A. Bornik, B. Reitinger, R. Beichel, E. Sorantin, and G. Werkgartner. Augmented reality based segmentation refinement. In Medical Imaging 2004, Proceedings of SPIE, pages 77-87, San Diego, February 2004.
R. Beichel, T. Pock, Ch. Janko, R. Zotter, B. Reitinger, A. Bornik, K. Palagyi, E. Sorantin, G. Werkgartner, H. Bischof, and M. Sonka. Liver segment approximation in CT data for surgical resection planning. In Medical Imaging 2004, Proceedings of SPIE, pages 1435-1446, San Diego, February 2004.
B. Reitinger, A. Bornik, R. Beichel, G. Werkgartner, and E. Sorantin. Augmented reality based measurement tools for liver surgery planning. In Bildverarbeitung fuer die Medizin 2004, pages 274-278, Berlin, March 2004. Springer. ISBN 3-540-21059-8.
G. Fernandez, H. Bischof, and R. Beichel. Nonlinear filters on 3D CT imaging - bilateral filter and mean shift filter. In Proceedings of 8th CVWW, Valtice, Czech Republic, pages 21-26, February 2003.
G. Fernandez, H. Bischof, and R. Beichel. Fast 3D mean shift filter for CT images. In Proceedings of 13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Goteborg, Sweden, volume 2749, pages 438-445, June 2003.
B. Reitinger, A. Bornik, and R. Beichel. Efficient volume measurement using voxelization. In K. Joy and L. Szirmay-Kalos, editors, Proc. of the Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2003, pages 57-64, Budmerice, April 2003. Comenius University, Bratislava.
G. Fernandez, H. Bischof, R. Beichel, and F. Leberl. Comparison of mean shift filters for CT images. In Proceedings of 27th OEAGM, Laxenburg, Austria, volume 1, pages 121-129, June 2003.
G. Fernandez, H. Bischof, R. Beichel, and F. Leberl. Fast 3D mean shift filter applied to CT images. In Proceedings of Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Sheffield, United Kingdom, pages 165-168, July 2003.
Bornik, R. Beichel, B. Reitinger, G. Gotschuli, E. Sorantin, F. Leberl, and M. Sonka. Computer aided liver surgery planning based on augmented reality techniques. In T. Wittenberg et al., editor, Bildverarbeitung fuer die Medizin 2003, pages 249-253. Springer, March 2003. ISBN 30540-00619-2.
Bornik, R. Beichel, B. Reitinger, G. Gotschuli, E. Sorantin, F. Leberl, and M. Sonka. Computer aided liver surgery planning: An augmented reality approach. In SPIE Medical Imaging February 2003, pages 395-405, February 2003.
A. M. Herneth, M. O. Philipp, J. Naude, M. Funovics, R. R. Beichel, R. Bammer, and H. Imhof. Vertebral metastases: Assessment with apparent diffusion coefficient. Radiology, 225(3):889- 894, December 2002.
G. Fernandez, R. Beichel, H. Bischof, and F. Leberl. A new wavelet denoising method based on MDL. In Proceedings of the 26th OEAGM, Graz, Austria, volume 1, pages 183-190, September 2002.
R. Beichel, G. Gotschuli, E. Sorantin, F. Leberl, and M. Sonka. Diaphragm dome surface segmentation in CT data sets: A 3D active appearance model approach. In Milan Sonka and J. Michael Fitzpatrick, editors, SPIE: Medical Imaging: Image Processing, volume 4684, pages 475-484, February 2002.
R. Beichel, S. Mitchell, E. Sorantin, F. Leberl, A. Goshtasby, and M. Sonka. Shape- and appearance-based segmentation of volumetric medical images. In ICIP 2001, volume 2, pages 589-592, October 2001.
A. M. Herneth, J. Naude, M. Philipp, R. Beichel, S. Trattnig, and H. Imhof. Wertigkeit der diffusionsgewichteten MRT in der Beurteilung von Knochenmarkveranderungen bei Wirbelkoerpermetastasen. Der Radiologe, 40(8):731-736, August 2000.
G. Ruppert, R. Beichel, and F. Gretzmacher. A robust measure for camouflage effectiveness in the visual domain. In Targets and Backgrounds VI: Characterization, Visualization, and the Detection Process, Proceeding of SPIE, volume 4029, pages 386-393, April 2000.
G. Ruppert, A.Wimmer, R. Beichel, and M. Ziegler. An adaptive multi-resolutional algorithm for high precision forest floor DTM generation. In Laser Radar Technology and Applications V, Proceeding of SPIE, volume 4035, pages 97-105, April 2000.
R. Beichel, G. Ruppert, and F. Gretzmacher. Quantitative assessment of infrared images. In Targets and Backgrounds VI: Characterization, Visualization, and the Detection Process, Proceeding of SPIE, volume 4035, pages 97-105, April 2000.
R. Beichel, R. Bolter, and A. Pinz. Fuzzy clustering of a Landsat TM scene. In Proceedings of IGARSS'99, volume 3, pages 1597-1599, June 1999.
Y. Kim, K.A. Patwardhan, R.R. Beichel, B.J. Smith, E.J. Ulrich, C. Mart, T. Chang, K.A. Plichta, J. Buatti, “Impact of Contouring Accuracy on Expected Tumor Control Probability for Head and Neck Cancer: Semiautomated Segmentation Versus Manual Contouring,” International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, Volume 96, Issue 2, Supplement, 1 October 2016, Pages E545.
C. Bauer, H. Winnike, J. Zabner, R.R. Beichel, M. Eberlein, H.Z. Taher, “Chest Wall Strapping Induces Small Airway Dilation And Enhances Expiratory Airflow,” American Thoracic Society, 2015.
P. Mercea, H. Dickhaus, A. Fedorov, M.-A. Park, J. Hainer, M.F. Kijewski, L. Horky, R. Kikinis, S. Pieper, Isomics, and R. Beichel. Quantification of longitudinal tumor changes using PET imaging in 3D slicer. Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), June 2013.
R. Adam, C. Bauer, R. Beichel, D. K. Meyerholz, J. Reinhardt, and D. A. Stoltz. Newborn Cystic Fibrosis Pig Tracheal Lobe Airway Diameter and Compliance Measured with Micro-CT. 25th Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference, November 2011.
C. Bauer, S. Sun, J. Sunderland, M. Graham, M. Sonka, J. Buatti, and R. Beichel. Automated Normalization of Metabolic Activity in FDG PET: Alternative to SUV Normalization. J Nucl Med Meeting Abstracts, 52:1768, June 2011.
Workshop Proceedings
IEEE ISBI 2020 Workshop Proceedings
Deep Image Analysis and Understanding: from Applications to Products.
Organizers: H. Greenspan, M. Nielsen, S. Gerard, R. Beichel, and B. van Ginneken.